The Game of Werewolf is a contemporary opera written by the Boston-based composer and tenor Timothy Ayers-Kerr. The story is based on the popular party game Werewolf and follows a town haunted by nightly werewolf attacks. The townspeople must come together and figure out who is the werewolf...before it's too late...
Intending to "challenge high-brow opera culture" the composer has described the piece as "[A] strange mix of Gilbert and Sullivan, Phantom of the Opera, and System of a Down--Still--I channeled way [too] much Verdi to warrant a full on cultural divorce".
Clearly, the Game of Werewolf wasn't written just for avid opera fans or classical music buffs. Anyone can enjoy the show, from Board Gamers to Halloween revelers, even just fans of the supernatural. The bulk of the audiences this show has been performed for were seeing an opera for the first time.
The Game of Werewolf won a competition held by the Austin Texas based company One Ounce Opera, and featured it on a program of new works titled, A Fresh Squeezed Ounce of Opera.
Premiered by Parlour Opera Players in Boston in 2017, Constitution Records, in association with Mostly Baroque, is proud to give The Game of Werewolf it's South Florida debut.
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